This time I decided to give you some deep information to think over the weekend – look at your business and your life from different prospective.

And today I want to answer one of the questions I am frequently asked.
How to manifest a new client, money or a new car?
First of all, you are always manifesting, in every moment, with every choice and decision you make, with every reaction,manifest-money thought and feeling, and with every desire you set into motion. Your consciousness, awareness and understanding determine what you manifest and experience in the outer world.
Second, through working with your feelings, thoughts and intentions, you can become a master at creating whatever you want. You are the source of your riches, not your new client, your business, your investments or your spouse. By linking with the unlimited abundance of your soul, by opening your connection to Spirit (you can call God, the Universe), by expressing and radiating your higher qualities of joy, love, well-being, you become the source of your abundance.
Spirit is the source of your income.
One of the major misconceptions that most lawyers have is that another human being is the source of their income. I would not just say lawyers; I’d say humans.
It’s an energetic mismatch that has you seeing another human being as dollars. You’re checking in with a particular client and you’re thinking about your rent or your child’s college education or your car payment that’s due or how you need to contribute to your household, pressure you’re getting from your spouse. Really think about this.
When you think about seeing another human being as those dollars, how does that feel to you?
If this is a belief you have activated, it makes sense you’re avoiding any kind of interaction because this is all about lower level energy.
This is an ‘old story’ that tells you
− ‘I don’t have enough money, I have to get this client.’
− ‘If I don’t get this client, my husband’s going to kill me.’
− ‘If I don’t get this client, I won’t be able to pay the rent.’
− ‘I hate this, I hate this, I hate this.’
You’ve got to tell yourself a different story because here’s the truth: No one person is the source of your income. The source of your income is the same abundant source that effortlessly creates trees from an acorn, flowers from a seed, babies from an embryo and allows the planets to move around the sun effortlessly.
When you truly tap into this powerful Source energy and release attachment to what the ‘form’ this income must take and when you’re able to step back and let the universe do its thing, then Source is free to provide for you. You feel comfortable, calm, confident, and then you’re easily able to speak to others about what you do. And as a result, the floodgates open. Because your energy is everything; the world would have you believe that you are powerless. If a check comes in the mail, you’re happy. If the next day it doesn’t, you’re wondering ‘Oh God, what am I doing wrong?’ Yet the ‘outer world’ only controls you if you let it. You’re meant to be here to act as cause, not react as effect.
There’s a strength within you that does not depend on the economy or climate conditions; your strength issues from a source deep within yourself. With that core belief activated, suddenly believing you have to trick or manipulate or convince someone seems silly, right?
Having money and things is not as important as mastering the process of creating them. Once you master the process, your ability to be prosperous will not be determined by the economy or outside conditions, for you will be able to create whatever you want when you want it. Learning to create abundance is the process of growth; it may require changing your thinking and expanding your beliefs about what you deserve to have. The process of getting a new client or money – will bring you growth, learning and new skills. As you master the process, you will be able to use money and other things you create as tools for expanding your consciousness and helping you to express yourself more fully.
I would love to hear your story and how you going to implement it. Please share your knowledge.
If you want a Business Acceleration session of how you can use this in your business, please Click here to schedule a call with me.
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