What is your relationship with money?

Happy Friday,

This week I want to share with you a very important subject which affects every area of our life and your Business- our relationship with money. You might think: “Lana is “crazy”, how can I have a relationship with money?” You are not alone, I used to think the same –I only had relationships with men, friends, kids, est.

But when I looked at my relationship with money and changed my inner dialogue with money my business and income kept growing. Within six months I had accrued such a waiting list of clients that I did not have to look for my new clients; they were finding me. Keep reading….

When I mentor my  clients, most of them are surprised to discover that I spend just as much time coaching on a correct money mindset as I do on sound business strategies. How you think and feel about money is even more important than how you earn it.

Your relationship with money is precious. Your quality of life and freedom are depends on it. Once you become aware of how much conflict and disturbed emotion you are carrying about money, something needs to be changed in your relationship with money.

Many conflicts about money are unconscious. I can tell from the gap between what you believe you want and the results you produce that some of your thinking must be inconsistent with your intentions - and the truth is: Your current financial situation is a direct reflection of your inner relationship with money.

Before we proceed, let’s review some guidelines:

- As it is above, so it is below.

What shows up in your head is going to show up in your life.

- There is no scarcity. 

“The Universe desires you to have everything you want to have.
Nature is friendly to your plans.
Everything is naturally for you.
Make up your mind that this is true.”

- Consciousness gives you choice.

We get what we choose, but first we need to know what we’re choosing.
“A person is a thinking center and can originate thought. All the forms that a person fashions with his hands must first exist in his thought. He cannot shape a thing until he has thought that thing.”

Perhaps it's time for a little money therapy. If we have a health problem, we go see the doctor. If we have money issues, we also deserve the help and advice of a professional, too.

Money affects every aspect of our lives, and yet we know very little about our personal relationship to it.

This is what I know: Whatever unhealed emotional wounds we carry inside of us, will grow and become increasingly harmful to our business, to our lives and the lives of those around us.

As you become more aware of your own money patterns and behaviors, you can begin to make new, healthier choices. Self-awareness is the first step. Get out some paper and respond to these questions. (Writing creates clarity and speeds your change.)

  •  What did you hear about money when you were growing up?
  • What beliefs get between you and prosperity?
  • What have you heard about women with money?
  • What is money and what does it really mean to you?

I believe money is a powerful energy force and medium of exchange. It is a tool and resource that I receive as a direct result of the actions and contributions that I put forth in the world. It flows in and out of my life in direct relationship to my efforts, intentions and consciousness.

Whenever I feel fearful or anxious about money, I spend time in writing in my journal and meditate on what inside me needs attending to and address those needs proactively.

What does money mean to you? How does it influence, positively or negatively, your quality of life?  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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