Calling All Lawyers, Professionals and Entrepreneurs!
Register for the **FREE** Tele-Training: “Attracting Ideal Clients Secrets”
“How to Dramatically Increase Your Income by Confidently Attracting Your Ideal Clients”.
Tuesday, 14 of January at 7pm CET
I'll be teaching some killer steps and strategies to Attract Ideal Client, including some stuff I've never taught before!
Click Here to Register for the FREE Training Call Info!
Everyone who attends the Tele-Training will get a chance to win Grand Prize!
A Private One-on-One VIP Intensive with Lana (Value $3,497)
If you want to learn the REAL secrets of manifesting clients and cash quickly in your business, so that you enjoy the security of steady income and can finally create the life you dream of while making the impact you care about... this will be the most important letter you read this year...
From: Lana Karasevych,
Dear Professional,

cascade of consequence?
- Are you're constantly seeking out new clients anywhere or everywhere
- Do you find yourself spending less time with clients you enjoy working with including high-end clients
- Are you not getting enough quality referrals
- Are you distracted by high-maintenance, low-return clients or worked with someone who was more of a client from hell than from heaven!
- Does your business seem tougher then you want it to be and you're not reaching that profit number in your head
- Are you very busy marketing and networking and you don't have time to build strong client relationships
- Are you well and truly FED UP with lying awake at 3am, fretting about money or wondering how you're going to pay your bills? (Let's face it - it gets old after a while)
Bottom line: You don't have enough time to provide the top-notch, personal service that you enjoy so much and that shows off your expertise.
You’re in the right place if you’re struggling with this frustrating problem…
It takes a lot of energy to look for people to serve. More than likely you have had the experience of having to figure out where you can find clients in the greatest numbers. You have spent much time and money experimenting, looking for the right way to catch their attention. Once you caught their attention, you have had to convince them that you are the one who has what they want. By the time you actually found someone willing to try what you have to offer, you were exhausted!
So, when the client tells you that they are not completely satisfied with your products, your policies, or your pricing, you have been more than willing to make compromises to satisfy them: truth be known, you were just too tired to put up a fight. Thinking that you won the war, you felt you could afford to let them win these smaller skirmishes...especially in light of what it would cost you to go out and hunt down another client to replace this one.
If a client responded to your advertising, you convince yourself that this client must be meant for you. You are afraid that if you don't serve them, the competition will.
By the time you end your tortured relationship with this client, you know that no amount of money in the world be enough to compensate you for the exhausting cost of the experience.
This is the typical end result when you buy into the adversarial marketing school of thought that preaches a gospel of targeting audiences or winning a client from a competitor. These strategies virtually guarantee that, if you win the battle, you will end up with clients that will be impossible to satisfy because they are not an Ideal fit for you and your company. What you are getting with these strategies are another company's "Ideal clients."
While it is easy to blame the client for the poor quality of the interaction, it is important to remember that you are solely responsible for choosing to serve a client whose needs are not an Ideal match for you and your company.
Perhaps, if you had greater confidence and financial resources, you might have been more willing to listen to your tiny "inner voice," the one that speaks for your instincts, that said, "Be careful... this one could be more trouble than it's worth. This client is not meant for you." Inevitably, your inner voice is always right.
The knowledge to be gained from this type of experience is to listen for that "inner voice" and its warning signal when you encounter a "less-than-Ideal” client.
And here's the GREAT news!
The REAL reason why you don't have the ideal clients you want (YET) is THIS...
The key to getting ideal clients is creating amazing connections with the RIGHT people - the ones who truly need your help.
Once you master the skill of creating and keeping deep connection in a way that serves their highest good, clients flow to you quickly and effortlessly.
Doesn't that sound sooooo much easier than trying to squish yourself into someone else's "blueprint" or try to convince people to hire you?
Now you might be thinking, "Hey, I'm already doing that!"... especially if you're networking, Tweeting, Facebooking, LinkedIn-ing….
If that's you, I hear you. BUT there's a BIG difference between doing all the "stuff" and doing exactly what you need (and no more) to create a deep desire in the right people to say YES to what you offer... on the spot.
How An Ideal Client Profile Helps You Create an Ideal Business
In general, having ideal clients leads to you running an ideal business which allows you to lead an ideal life. Here are some of the ways you'll profit from creating this very overlooked opportunity to attract your ideal client.
When you know who is your Ideal Client:
- You'll attract and retain the best type of clients for your firm.
- You'll streamline your business and enhance productivity when your marketing communications is more consistent and targeted.
- You'll receive more referrals to better prospects.
- You spend less time and money prospecting because your marketing and networking efforts attract great clients
- You turbo-charge your compensation, meet your goals, and build a valuable business with high market value because you're sought after as a market leader
- You'll start strategically marketing and networking because it gets you what you desire.
- You'll work with clients you connect with on more levels and enjoy what you're doing even more.
Click Here to Enter Your Information to Receive the FREE Training Call Info!
Everyone who attends the Tele-Training will get a chance to win Grand Prize!
A Private One-on-One VIP Intensive with Lana (Value $3,497)
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