
The Greatest Discovery…
"The greatest discovery of the 19th century was not in the realm of the physical sciences, but the power of the subconscious mind touched by faith. Any individual can tap into an eternal reservoir of power that will enable them to overcome any problem that may arise. All weaknesses can be overcome, bodily healing, financial independence, spiritual awakening, prosperity beyond your wildest dreams. This is the superstructure of happiness".
 ~ William James, Harvard Psychologist, the Father of American Psychology 


Scientific research over the last several decades has revealed that the most successful people use their minds differently that the average person. They use more of their mind potential and use it in a special manner. Let us take a look now at what science has learned.

Your brain is composed of approximately 100 billion neurons. Neurons function by continuously firing energy and then resting. The number of times per second that they fire and rest is called their frequency. Your brain’s many neurons are always pulsing at some frequency. Throughout your entire brain, different sets of neurons are firing at different frequencies. When you are in deep sleep, most of your neurons pulse very slowly. They pulse more rapidly when you are in a light level of sleep where dreams take place. When you are wide awake, they pulse even more rapidly.

When you are wide awake, looking at things and thinking logically, the predominant brain-pulsing frequency is about twenty cycles per second. This means that the average of all pulsing frequencies is about twenty cycles per second. Scientists call this the beta brainwave frequency. When you are very relaxed in a light level of sleep, your predominant brainwave frequency is slower and is between seven and fourteen cycles, per second. Scientists call this the Alpha brainwave level. Still slower brainwave frequencies exist and are known as Thete and Delta, with Delta being the slowest and involving the deepest levels of sleep.

How Humans Develop

Before birth, your brain and central nervous system begin to develop. The first frequencies detected are delta frequencies. Eventually the brain is completed, and so are all of the various sensing mechanisms that bring information to the brain and the body.

We learn to use our brains in developmental stages. Infants, below the age of four, function in delta more than any other frequency. Delta is associated with deep sleep; infants sleep much of the time.

As children grow, they begin to use more of the brain frequency spectrum and faster frequencies. From four to seven years, children function mostly in the theta levels – inductively.

About the time a child reaches age seven, there is a shift of brain functioning and a higher range of brain frequencies is used more than the others. This is the Alpha level, which children use extensively from seven to fourteen years of age. During this developmental stage children are very imaginative and learn very rapidly. The alpha frequency is where the greatest brain energy is, right in the center of the brain frequency spectrum. The child’s brain now functions deductively at Alpha.

As children enter their teenage years, an interesting phenomenon begins to take place; the use of Beta brain frequencies, associated with the left brain hemisphere and the objective mode of consciousness, becomes predominant. Most people think and function throughout life using primarily one mode of consciousness.

It is believed that a small percentage of humanity grows to maturity being able to think using two modes of consciousness, the rational, objective mode of consciousness, as well as the intuitive, subjective mode of consciousness, associated with the right hemisphere of the brain.

Attributes of the left-brain hemisphere as associated with logical thought, and experiences in the physical world. It is thought to be dominant. The left-brain hemisphere stores your experiences of what you see, hear, smell, taste and feel.

The right-brain hemisphere is more visual and processes intuitively, holistically and randomly. It stores all experiences, whether real or imagined.

Young children use their imagination enormously. As people mature, they are so involved in learning all they can about the physical world around them and grow to use less imagination through time. They may develop the left-brain hemisphere at the expense of developing and thinking with the right-brain hemisphere.

As an adult, you have the potential to use more of your brain.

Most people, after reaching the age of fourteen, no longer use the alpha brainwave frequency consciously. When their brainwave activity slows to the alpha level, they drift off into a daydream or go to sleep. These people have learned to use primarily the left-brain hemisphere. They have limited use of their brain for thinking.

Awakening the Genius Within

Independent scientific studies have demonstrated that alpha brainwave activity is associated with inner levels of mental awareness, tranquillity, rest and relaxation. This alpha activity is also associated with inspiration, creativity, accelerated healing, concentration, learning and psychic abilities.

By learning to function with awareness at the deeper alpha frequency, you will manage your internal state, thereby allowing you to focus your thinking, find solutions quickly and manifest your goals. At the same time, you, you develop and build your creative side. Eventually, you awaken your intuitive, psychic awareness through your five physical senses. This subjective functioning will change your life.

The key to awakening the genius within is to develop creative, intuitive thinking, with a refined awareness, allowing you to function at your best.

Dynamic Coaching Method
